
Posted on: Monday, 31 March 2014



The omission from speech or writing of a word or words that are superfluous or able to be understood from contextual clues.
"it is very rare for an ellipsis to occur without a linguistic antecedent"
A set of dots (…) indicating an ellipsis.

An ellipsis floating in the studios for all to see...
You could say I saw this as an ellipsis continuing on from my hat stand ! 

     I took lots of polystyrene balls, and handmade balls from tightly wrapped paper.

A mix of the polystyrene and handmade balls 

I began painting them

Individually I painted each ball and also altered the shapes and forms of them, and began gluing the shapes together.

I painted each ball slightly different

On my studio desk 

The idea was to create three large round cluster like shapes, then suspend them in a row from the ceiling, to create a floating ellipsis.

Cluster 1

Cluster 2

Cluster 3
I mainly only photographed the work for my own documentation so the photos are not a fantastic quality however I really liked the scale in them. The people in the exhibition space look as though they are tiny next to these gigantic balls because I took the photos from quite up close. I love the slight unintentional optical illusion that came out in the photographs!

Hanging from the ceiling 

I like the scale in this one...

I got wonderful feedback for this work and just generally had a lot of fun making them! 

If you would like to see more images similar to this, don't forget to like my Facebook page, and follow me on my other social medias - find all links at the top.


Hat Stand

Hello ! 

As part of an 'exchanging resources' project I undertook in my first year at University, I acquired an old heavily varnished drab looking hat stand…
I took one look at it, and decided to transform it!
I sanded it down by hand (which took almost two full days and a lot of elbow grease)
Painted a base coat, and then began work on it.

Close up of the pegs 

The hat stand screws apart, which helped loads when painting

I was using a very fine brush to achieve the amount of detail I wanted but with this took time, lots of time!
It took me around 4 weeks to paint the hat stand, I would awake at 8am, start painting until I dropped usually around 12 every evening… by the end of the 4 weeks my hands ached!!

birds eye view

The top half of the hat stand

After assessment was over, I went to collect my work and noticed my hat stand was missing and in its place a note which read;

“Your work has been selected for an exhibition”

I was pretty ecstatic to read this and then also find out I received an A for it.
At least all of those long hours of painting paid off! 

After the exhibition, my hat stand was then personally selected by the Dean of the University to be displayed in his office.

In the Dean's office 

I very much enjoyed creating this piece, yes it was a lot of work but I really love to be very hands on with my art and when it’s an entire process like this I feel a lot more connected with the work and am very proud of it.

All in all a success!

If you would like to see more images similar to this, don't forget to like my Facebook page, and follow me on my other social medias - find all links at the top


Posted on: Monday, 24 March 2014

Hello !

Hello there lovely readers!   

I hope you are excited, I sure know I am!

For many years I have been quite shy about showing off my artwork. I guess you could say I let modesty get the better of me.  I was always quite reluctant to publicise my work, despite many people in my life telling me how good it was.

I am close to the end of my third year studying fine art at University, working on the finalizations of my large 
scale psychedelic installation, and I think it is about time I start sharing my work with the world!

After this project is lovely SUMMER TIME…

Then… fourth year! I've already had so many ideas spinning through my mind of all the colourful and fantastical things I can do for my degree show!

So come along on the ride with me, as I will be documenting everything from now on!

Buckle your seatbelts! 
